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Data Processing and Data Engineering
Yuquan Zhu
Yuquan Zhu
Title and Position
Professor, Ph. D.
Research Interests
Data Mining,Complex Informati- on System Integration, KDD, datadase systems & it’s application.
Office Phone
Curriculum Vitae
2000-2003 Ph. D. Candidate in Department of Computer Science and Engineering of Southeast University. Ph. D Degree Sep. 2003
1988-1991 Graduate Student, School of Economics & Management, Southeast University. MS. Degree March 1991
1984-1988 Undergraduate Student , School of Mathematical Sciences,Xuzhou Normal University,China. BS. Degree Jul. 1988
1) Date Mining, for master students
2) Data Structure, for undergraduate students
3) Technology of Compile, for undergraduate students
4) Computing Methods, for undergraduate students
5) Principles of Database Systems, for undergraduate students
The Design and Analysis of Algorithms, for undergraduate students
Teaching and research achievements
Awards & OTHER Achievements
1) Tianshang 2000 Intelligent Management Software.The Third Prize of Science and Technology Advancement, Issued by Province Government of Jiangsu,2003.
2) Tianshang 2000 Intelligent Management Software.The Third Prize of Science and Technology Advancement, Issued by City Government of Nanjing,2003.
3) Accounting Simulation Experiment Courseware. The First Prize of National Multi-media Courseware Competition, Issued by Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of China,2007.
4) Research on Association Rules Rining. The Third Prize of Science and Technology Advancement, Issued by City Government of Zhenjiang,2008.
5) Research of Medical Image Recognition and its Clinical Applications Based on Data Mining. The Third Prize of Science and Technology Advancement, Issued by Province Government of Jiangsu,2009.
6) Prevention Information Analysis of Crime Prosecution Management System Software. The Third Second of Science and Technology Advancement, Issued by City Government of Nanjing,2009.
7) Prosecution Crime Information Analysis and Decision System Software(V5.0).Excellent Software Product Award of Jiangsu province(Jinhui Award),2009.
8) An Algorithm and its Updating Algorithm for Mining Association Rules in a Shared-nothing Parallel Transaction Database System. Mini-micro Systems,2003.09.The Second Prize of Natural Science paper, Issued by City Government of Zhenjiang, Jiangsu, China, 2005.
9) Accounting Simulation Experiment Software.Copyright No.2008SR27858.
10) A Medical Image Recognition Pethod. Patent,Open No.CN101295309.
11) A Sequential Pattern Mining Privacy Pata Protection Method.Patent,Open No.CN101561854.
12) Data Mining Software System Based on PMML.Copyright No.2009SR00232.
13) Analysis Engine of Economic Crime Based on Data Mining.Copyright No.2009SR018462.
14) Audit Mining and Analysis System Based on XBRL.Copyright No.2009SR08413.
research Projects
1) Research of Medical Image Classification Based on Data Mining.Fund of National Natural Science Foundation of China (60572112).
2) Data Mining Software System Based on PMML.Innovation Fund for Small Technology-based Firms of China (09C26213203797).
3) Research of Data Mining Based on Privacy Protecting. Qing Lan Project of Jiangsu Province
4) Research of Audit Credit Evidence Mining and Quantitative Analysis Model for Listed Companies. Natural Science Foundation of Jiangsu province (08KJA520001).
5) Research of Distributed Intrusion Detection Based on Multi-Agents and Data Mining. Fund of Jiangsu University.
6) Goal-based Version of the Document Management System. Innovation Fund for Small Technology-based Firms of China (09C26213203689).
7) Research of Data Mining Technology and its Application Platform for Medical Insurance Fraud and Violations. Fund of the High-tech Research and Development Program of Jiangsu Province (No.BG2007028)
8) Tongda Medical Image Database System. Fund of Information Industry Department Project of Jiangsu Province
9) Research of Data warehousing Technology for Land’s Resource Database. Fund of Land and Resources Project of Jiangsu Province
Selected Journal Papers
1) Zhu Y Q, Ou J S, Chen G, Yu H P. Dynamic weighting ensemble classifiers based on cross-validation. Neural Computing & Applications,2009.12.
2) Ou J S, Zhu Y Q, Chen G, Yu H P. An approach for dynamic weighting ensemble classifiers based on cross-validation. Journal of Information and Computational Science.
3) TAN Jia-ning,ZHU Yu-quan.Research on combination feature selection method based on data fusion. Computer Engineering and Design, 2009.10.
4) ZHU Yu-quan,HU Tian-han.Research on privacy preserving in mining sequential pattern. Application Research of Computers,2009.07.
5) OU Ji-shun,ZHU Yu-quan. Research on combined classifier algorithm based on cascade, Computer Engineering and Applications,2009.12.
6) SUN Xiao-pei, ZHU Yu-quan. Study on location-based spatial queries with shared client results in mobile environments, Journal of Computer Applications,2009.12.
7) CHEN Jian-Mei,ZHU Yu-Quan.Research on Algorithm for Mining Global Closed Itemsets, Computer Science,2008.01.
8) Wang min, ,ZHU Yu-Quan.Research on Single-join Processing Schemes in a Mobile Computing Environment。Journal of Computational Information Systems,2008.02.
9) WU Wei,ZHU Yu-quan.Implementation and Research of a Distributed Classification Architecture Based on SLIQ, Microcomputer Information,2008.08.
10) CHEN Jian-mei,ZHU Yu-quan1.An Efficient Algorithm for Updating Global Frequent Closed Itemsets, Journal of Chinese Computer Systems,2008.07.
11) ZHU Yu-quan,Lv Xiao.Algorithm for updating frequent closed itemsets Journal of Jiangsu University(Natural Science Edition),2008.04.
12) Zhu Yuquan,Song Yuqing.Research on an Algorithm for Mining Frequent Closed Itemsets, Journal of Computer Research and Development,2007.07.
13) WANG Heng, ZHU Yu-quan. Implementation of both Information Extraction and Image Display from DICOM Medical Image File Information of Medical Equipment,2007.09.
14) WANG Min, ZHU Yu-quan.Study on join query processing schemes in a mobile computing environment, Journal of Computer Applications,2007.11.
15) ZHANG Chun-fen,ZHU Yu-quan.Research on medical image classification based on Cascade combined classifiers. Computer Engineering and Applications,2007.12.
16) CHEN Geng,ZHU Yu-quan.Algorithm for Mining Constrained Maximum Frequent Itemsets Based on Frequent Pattern Tree. Journal of Applied Sciences,2006.01.
17) SUN Lei,ZHU Yuquan.Study of Key Techniques in Mining Frequent Sequential Patterns. Computer Engineering,2006.11.
18) ZHU Yu-quan,SONG Yu-qing.Algorithm for mining associative classification rules based on frequent pattern tree. Journal of Jiangsu University(Natural Science Edition),2006.03.
19) ZHU Yu-quan,YANG He-biao.Data Mining Algorithm Based on Negative Association Rule. Journal of Applied Sciences,2006.04.
20) YANG Yi-Dong, ZHU Yu-Quan.A Fast Outlier Detection Algorithm for Data Streams Based on Dynamic Gri. Journal of Software,2006.08.
21) ZHU Yuquan,SUN Lei. Algorithm for Mining Negative Association Rules Based on Frequent Pattern Tree. Computer Engineering,2006.11.
22) ZHU Yu-Quan,CHEN Geng.Research on Algorithm for Mining Positive and Negative Association Rules. Computer Science,2006.03.
23) ZHU Yu-Quan,CHEN Geng.Research on Algorithm for Mining Negative Association Rules Based on Frequent Pattern Tree. Wuhan University Journal of Natural Science,2006.01.
24) Zhu Yuquan,Song Yuqing.Research on Incremental Updating Algorithms for Mining Association Rules. Computer Engineering and Applications,2005.08.
25) Song Yuqing,Zhu Yuquan.An Algorithm and Its Updating Algorithm Based on Frequent Pattern Tree for Mining Constrained Maximum Frequent Itemsets. Journal of Computer Research and Development,2005.05.
26) Chen Geng,Zhu Yuquan. Study of Some Key Techniques in Mining Association Rule. Journal of Computer Research and Development,2005.10.
27) Chen Geng,Zhu Yuquan.A Model of Association Patterns Mining Based on Abnormity Detection. Computer Engineering and Applications,2004.12.
28) ZHU Yuquan,SONG Yuqing. Incremental Updating Algorithm for Mining Constrained Maximum Frequent Itemsets. Computer Engineering,2004.09.
29) ZHU Yu-Quan,SUN Zhi-Hui.Fast Updating Frequent Itemsets. Journal of Computer Research and Development,2003.01.
30) ZHU Yu Quan,SUN Zhi Hui.Incremental Updating Algorithm Based on Frequent Pattern Tree for Mining Association Rules. Chinese Journal of Computers,2003.01.
31) SONG Yu-Qing,ZHU Yu-Quan.An Algorithm and Its Updating Algorithm Based on FP-Tree for Mining Maximum Frequent Itemsets., Journal of Software,2003.09.
32) ZHU Yu quan,CHEN Geng.An Algorithm and its Updating Algorithm for Mining Association Rules in a Shared-nothing Parallel Transaction Database System. Mini-micro Systems,2003.9.
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